English All The Way Sunflower Logo

Meet Our EATW Team

Founded in 2001 by Auntie Carol, EATW is run by two teachers with over 20 years' experience who are passionate about building a strong English foundation in future generations of Hong Kong youths.

Auntie Carol

Who is Auntie Carol?

Auntie Carol is an English tutor trusted by a horde of parents, students and educators in Hong Kong, having taught students from elite schools such as Marymount Primary and Secondary School, Diocesan Girls' School (DGS), Diocesan Boys' School (DBS), St. Paul's Convent and Wah Yan, as well as leading international schools such as German Swiss International School (GSIS), Chinese International School (CIS), Hong Kong International School (HKIS) and those from ESF schools such as South Island School (SIS), Island School (IS), West Island School (WIS) and Bradbury.

The story of English All The Way started in 1999 with Auntie Carol's 3-year tenure as Marymount's in-house trainer for Hong Kong Speech Festival. Such an elocution programme proved incredibly successful, cumulating in a record-breaking year in 2001 at the 53rd Annual Speech Festival, producing seven winners, eleven 1st runners-up and 10 2nd runners-up for MPS under her tutelage. This success resulted in Auntie Carol becoming a voluntary English teacher at MPS for the ECA "Fun with English" in 2001. Due to high demand and strong support from the school and parents, this budding extracurricular class steadfastly evolved into the EATW we know today.

Infographic with sunflowers growing to show EATW's development as described in the paragraph above

Auntie Carol teaches:

  • Foundation Phonics (FP)
  • L1-L11: levels based on school grading
  • DSE: Hong Kong Diploma of Secondary Education
  • IGCSE/GCSE: General Certificate of Secondary Education
  • IB: International Baccalaureate
  • IELTS: International English Langauge Testing System
  • SAT: Scholastic Assessment Test for US college admission
  • TOEFL: Test of Engligh as a Foreign Language
  • Grammar & Writing (GW levels from primary to secondary)
  • Speech Festival
  • School entrance interviews
  • Private classes (PV)
  • Changing this code to see what it's like

Auntie Carol's Qualification

  • 1st Class Certificate Advanced Spoken ESOL (Pitman Qualifications, London), 2003
  • Advanced ESOL Certificate (Pitman Qualifications, London), 2003
  • Certificate of Proficiency in English (University of Cambridge), 2002
  • Marymount Primary School "ECA Fun With English" volunteer teacher for P6, 2001-02
  • Marymount Primary School Parents Teachers Association Web editorial board, 2000-02
  • Marymount Primary School in-house trainer for Hong Kong Speech Festival, 1999-2001
  • British Council "ICTE-A" Introduction Course in teaching English to Adults, 1995
  • Upper Chine School, Isle of Wight, United Kingdom, 1980-91
  • Maryknoll Sisters' School graduate, 1980 (P1 - F6)

Auntie Liza

Who is Auntie Liza?

Auntie Liza has a BA in Marketing at Western Washington University. She had been at the helm of teaching K2 to L2 for a decade while parallels the administration work throughout. Now she has decided to take a backseat and focus solely on being the administrator, overseeing the new EATW projects in the pipeline.